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Welcome To

A Very Graced Farm

Certified Organic, Family owned and operated Garlic Farm located in the Pacific Northwest.

Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so.

Who We Are

Located in the Willamette Valley of Oregon surrounded by the beautiful Cascade Mountain Range.  We are a family owned and operated, organic garlic farm.   

For thousands of years garlic has been known to have many proven health benefits.  Hippocrates, often referred to as the father of Western medicine, used to prescribe garlic to treat numerous medical conditions. 

At A Very Graced Farm, we grow a variety of certified organic garlic packed with healthy nutrients, outstanding flavor, and superior quality. Our garlic is grown with the highest quality standards without the use of chemicals or pestisides.  It is always fresh and we’re proud to offer it to you.  

Our Products

Garlic is so good in so many dfferent ways. Our garlic can be replanted, eaten raw, baked whole, added to your dishes, used for canning, made into fresh garlic powder or minced garlic, or it can also be used to make crunchy garlic chips…your options are endless.  When you order from us, you’ll receive very floavorful, fresh garlic guaranteed to satisfy your individual needs. Garlic is one of the key elements in any dish, and we can’t wait for you to try out our aromatic, delicious organic garlic.

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